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// Services > Local maintenance and training

Local maintenance and training

How to keep the vehicles running is a headache for every company. Particularly in countries and areas where infrastructure is poor, in remote regions and in countries where there is a shortage of well-trained technicians, drivers and mechanics.

Jacaranda can fly in technicians to carry out immediate local repairs. But we are also able to deploy experienced manpower to instruct drivers and mechanics on the spot. For example, we can supply a mechanic with a service vehicle, on a secondment basis, to give local drivers and mechanics a technical training course in the maintenance and repair of the vehicles. The mechanic will also familiarize the drivers with the vehicles and give them a short but effective course of driving instruction. If desired, we can also supply technical instruction books that explain use, maintenance and repair step by step. In short, Jacaranda will see to it that the supplied vehicles continues to function properly.

Maintenance, above all, is crucial. Once maintenance is properly organized, there should be little further need for repairs.